
How Parental Involvement Increases Child Success

Parents are an essential element to their child’s success in anything. The enthusiasm and support, or lack thereof, of a parent can make or break a child’s accomplishments. In SKILLZ martial arts, it is even more essential that parents be involved as part of the teaching team since the SKILLZ system applies child development and…

Accepting Responsibility: Teaching Children to Avoid Blame Shifting

“Well…somebody did it!” Raise your hand if you’ve ever heard that from a boss, former teachers, or your own parents when you were a kid! The use of “blame-shifting” is the go-to way for some children and adults to justify mistakes. When we have arguments or conflict with others, one of the major contributing factors…


Brain Training for ADHD

Although Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is such a prevalent diagnosis, there are still many misconceptions surrounding it. Unfairly, there are sometimes assumptions made by people without education on the diagnosis that ADHD results from poor parenting, laziness, or some learning disorder. And with these assumptions come a wide range of approaches to “fix” the problem….

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Helping Children Set Age-Appropriate Goals

Every New Years Day, people from all walks of life choose to set goals for the new year ahead and set their sights on anything from working out daily to saving money to losing weight. Our society knows how to dream big! However, when big dreams aren’t broken down into smaller, achievable goals, failure often…

The Importance of Bilateral Coordination on Physical and Cognitive Skills

The development of a child can be one of the most fascinating things to watch unfold. From infants mirroring movements to toddlers and children mastering high level developmental skills, the growth they experience in a short time is astounding. And while all skills are important for children to master, bilateral coordination is an important prerequisite…


Supporting Kid’s Physical Development in the Face of Challenges

Have you ever had a teacher, coach or mentor that inspired you to the very core? One that cheered you on to achieving your big dreams and goals with the biggest heart, joy and fire? Each and every day, our team of Instructors and Coaches serve our community knowing full well that our purpose is…