
How Martial Arts Can Boost Your College Applications

When it comes to applying to college, students often look for ways to stand out from the crowd to the admissions officers – and they’re right to do so! While strong academic performance, volunteer work, and SAT/ACT scores are important, extracurricular activities can play a crucial role in showcasing a well-rounded and dynamic individual. One…

Kids Quit on the Drive Home: How to Make the Car Ride Home a More Positive Experience 

Parents of even the biggest sport-loving, happy-natured kids know what it’s like to look in the rearview mirror and see a moody, pouting child or teenager in the backseat. Whether they strike out at the plate, didn’t medal at a tournament, or just overall performed poorly, it can make the drive home from a game…

Mindful Tips for Getting Kids to Martial Arts Class This Summer

Hey Parents! In the warm summer months, getting your child off their bikes or out of the pool for martial arts class can sometimes be a challenge. But fear not! Check out some mindful strategies to help you navigate those moments when your little ninja needs an extra nudge. 1. Set the Stage: Pay attention…

The Hidden Benefits of Competing in Martial Arts Tournaments for Children and Adults

Have you ever considered enrolling your child or yourself in a martial arts tournament? Beyond the obvious thrill of competition, there’s a myriad of benefits that extend far beyond the mat. Here’s a deeper look at what’s really happening when children and adults step into the arena of competition. For the Young Competitors: When a…


How Mirror Neurons Impact Learning

Learning is a big part of child development and how children learn things is dependent on a variety of factors. Much of the time, observational learning contributes to how children learn information and behaviors. This type of social learning can be greatly influential because of the role that mirror neurons play in learning. Providing children…

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The Motivator Molecule: Boosting Dopamine in Constructive Ways

“Enough with the screens!” Parents: Have you ever felt like saying this to your child or teen when they just wont seem to put the phone or the tablet down? (If you answered “Yes”, you’re not alone!) Nowadays it can feel like children are only interested in their video games, smart phones, and social media…

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School Readiness – What Teachers Really Look For

When we hear the term “school readiness,” the first thing most people think of is children knowing academic basics that will help them meet the demands of the classroom. And while these cognitive skills are important, teachers feel that skills in the other areas of child development are just as, or more important. Social, emotional,…