Adult Shotokan Karate Program (Ages 15+)
As adults, we face constant challenges in our life that must be overcome in order for us to find success. Our jobs place great demand on our time, effort, and mental energy. Our families and friends require our attention. The problem is that very often we become so consumed by providing for others that we lose sight of our own personal goals, we are too tired to take care of our own needs at the end of the day, and our health can sometimes even begin to deteriorate.
The solution we have come up with is to develop a unique program that targets the needs of adults while providing skill-based training that goes beyond the punches and kicks and helps create a lifestyle that makes success (however that is defined for each student) a bit easier to see… and attain.
The first step is to schedule a pre-evaluation just to make sure you are ready. During the initial pre-evaluation we will see if group classes are a good fit you and our school. Classes are structured and based on curriculum appropriate for your age and experience level. There’s a good mixture of work, learning and having fun!
To inquire how to schedule your Pre-Evaluation, use the form below and one of our instructors will reach out to you!