Keeping it Real: Addressing Physical Run-Down

The Hustle.
The Grind.
The Daily Marathon.
This was the topic of a recent discussion I had with a fellow [parent] as we took a much needed “Mommy Time Out” on a chilly, February afternoon. It had been a while since we were last able to catch up and reconnect with each other. So I was cherishing every minute of this precious time together for some much needed real life mom talk.
As I sipped on my cup of peppermint tea to rejuvenate my own spirit, I sat intently listening to my friend as she openly expressed and processed her internal battle…
“I am running from here to there and everywhere, it just doesn’t stop.”
“I can’t remember the last time our family was actually able to be home, enjoying a meal all together.”
“I am starting to wonder… Is this all just too much?”
Can you relate to my friend?!
For so many families, they truly can relate 100%! The “Go-Go-Go,” non-stop pace mentality of life is currently at an all time high as we continue to ride the ebbs and tides of a very unique season of life. Parents around the world are facing the very real issue of trying to find balance and enjoy connection with their kids in what for many feels like an endless whirlwind of exhaustion, running from one thing to another.
Just as I see my friend wrestling with these very real emotions and big feelings regarding their family’s current state of hustle and bustle, we as coaches, teachers and instructors are ever aware, conscious and attuned to this in the lives of the families we serve as well. Because here’s the truth of the matter: Our program of holistic support is never meant to be a burden upon a family but rather a blessing to take some of this weight off of your aching shoulders! Being aware, present and empathetic to the needs of your family is a primary reason why our programming is designed and delivered to our students and parents in the way that it is.
We see the investment of self, time and effort you unconditionally give for your child to be able to enjoy a variety of passions that are ever shaping them into the amazing adults they will each one day become. For we fully understand and appreciate that these experiences our children have from their infancy into adolescence, to teenage years and eventually adulthood are all pieces of an ever developing masterpiece that is uniquely distinct to each child’s life.
Knowing how incredibly important these formative years are to our kids overall development, how can we as parents and instructors better support them, ourselves and the overall holistic health of our family’s?
Let’s break it down:
1. You know your child best. Period.
When considering the activities your child is involved in, it’s critically important to stay present, centered and grounded in the truth of “How will this help to build up my child?”
All too often the comparison game can trickle into our minds where we start to compare the experiences of our own past or that of other kids in determining what our own children should be involved in.
Remember, the course and life path a child walks is one we are meant to support uniquely, not as a duplicate of our own journey or that of another friends. Keep your minds eye set on the truth of what your child uniquely needs physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially to help build and support their mind, body and spirit!
2. “Are the activities in my child’s life supporting their physical, intellectual, emotional and social growth and development?”
Now more than ever, supporting the whole mind, body and spirit of our children is critically important to their overall growth and development.
Take a moment to assess your child’s current schedule:
•Is what they are involved in meeting the needs of supporting your child as a whole?
•Or is the balance tipped to far into one category?
•Further, is your child’s plate overflowing, leaving key benefits needed in this season of life missed?
3. Ongoing Priority Assessment:
Taking a step back to assess the state of the master family schedule is an ever ongoing necessity. Each and every one of us are human! Our needs, level of support, guidance, care are all changing and fluctuating as we move through new life chapters.
It is so important to consider all of the above when assessing the family’s top priorities.
Maybe for your family, this is a perfect call to action in coming together to the table to assess the current goals, dreams and ambitions for everyone; making sure that each and every one of you – YES, parents too!! – are being supported in their endeavors.
Parents, if you find yourselves struggling with any or all of the above, please consider connecting with one of our incredible team members! We are here to help, nurture and support you and your child every step of the way. While there are certainly seasons of exhaustion that we all go through, they do not have to be permanent.
Finding balance, connection and peace in the midst of so much is possible! You need not walk alone… We’ve got your back!
About the Author
Meg Klettke is the proud owner alongside her husband, Alex of Family Strong Sussex, a SKILLZ Lifetime Gold studio in Southeastern Wisconsin. With a background in traditional and alternative therapeutics, Meg is an active advocate for today’s youth. Her passion for supporting and nurturing the whole child resonates through all she does as a Proud Ninja Mom of two boys with special needs, Certified Pediatric Ninja Specialist and Content Creator for SKILLZ Worldwide