Renshi Rich Borges, the accomplished and dedicated founder of Borges Martial Arts, has two thriving locations in Massachusetts. His martial arts journey, which began in 1994, spans 30 years, marking him as a seasoned and respected figure in the martial arts community.
Rich is not just proficient, but also versatile, holding black belts in Shotokan Karate, Aikido, and Kobudo (Weapons). He has been with SKILLZ since 2018 and his role as an Master Pediatric Ninja Specialist highlights his commitment to youth development. His expertise in SKILLZ includes new school implementation, leading a team of talented instructors, and integrating martial arts with afterschool and summer camp programs.
Rich’s martial arts achievements are extensive. He trained under notable masters and has experience in various martial arts such as Kickboxing, Jiu-Jitsu, Iaido, Kempo, and more. He’s competed nationally and internationally, excelling in forms, weapons, and sparring. He also promotes and coordinates several tournaments in New England including the Worcester Classic & IPPONE Kick-Off.
As a Certified C.O.B.R.A.™ Self-Defense Instructor, Rich focuses on empowering law enforcement personnel and civilians in self-defense techniques. His linguistic skills are another aspect of his diverse talents, being fluent in multiple languages.
At the helm of two Borges Martial Arts schools, Rich’s journey is more than a personal success story; it’s about creating a lasting impact and fostering a strong sense of community. His dedication to martial arts embodies his passion for teaching, leadership, and inspiring a new generation of martial artists.
Martial Arts has always been an important part of his life. He met his wife Allie at a kickboxing match in 1999. Over the years they would compete at several tournaments, cheering each other on. It wasn’t until 2014 that they began their life together, and now enjoy Martial Arts as a family with their daughters Lucy and Marisol.